Dani Fuchs
This is a hard one. Working on it.
My tools
I love to be creative with a variety of tools. Share Jesus with not just only one way.
Life is meant to be enjoyed, fully used and cherished. Find out my platforms of life.

DeWalt & Co
“A Man needs tools!” was my statement, which changed the course of my life quite a bit. With Power tools we change the world, he said. Compassion was made.
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The Camera, an open door into somebodies heart. Graphic Design, an art of Expression and constant dependance on the most creative mind. I love Technology.
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Quite Ironic, a kid who stuttered so hard is now speaking about the healer himself. I am still stunned about the Words God puts in my mouth sometimes. And I need it.
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and the latest News of my life.
All about Projects
Building a house is as equal as building somebodies life, nurturing somebodies dreams and letting them bloom.
The craziest privilege to be partaking in this. And it all started through a simple wish. “A Man needs Tools!”,
was my bold statement 4 years ago.

The 100% Promise
When you fundraise or donate, every penny goes directly into the house building projects. Wonderful private donors are covering my operations cost so that 100% of your money will be saving somebodies life.

Track the Project
I love the fact that it is made possible for you, to track every project which is in planing, in process or already completed. Its made possible through Google maps and GPS. And I am honored to share it with you.
Still Questions?
Every now and then questions appear on surface which I thought I answer a little broader. And If your mind still bothers something after, an email is not far out.
The 100% Promise
Since I promise to keep 100% of all Donations made to Projects, I am incredibly grateful for Supporters who help me keep going personally. Find out more about the 100% Model or Stand behind me with me work.