I believe that keeping people up to date will inspire them to dream bigger as well.
Thats why I decided to proof every project by linking it to Google maps. Every project, in planing stage,
currently at work or completed you have the possibility to follow it via GPS coordinates.
Sadly I can not post every project due to security reasons, but feel free to ask me about it. Have fun exploring.
Future Projects
There are quite some projects in motion. Some more successful then others. Some doable, some might not happen. But the red Dots below on the map show the planned projects I and teams are working on. So projects are not on it due to security reasons. Feel free to ask about them as well.
Current Projects
I always wanted to let people know how things are moving along. Not because they have a right, but I want to be a good stuard as well with the things intrusted.
The blue Dots on the map below show the current projects. The Things I or my team are working on and where.
Finished Projects
What a great privilege to see houses been build and lives being changed. Its an honor to be part of this. The Green Dots below on the map represent the completed Projects. The Finish line has been crossed and people were touched by physical help and now have a new life perspective.
Start a Campaign
Giving somebody a roof over his head is considered a basic need. Same as clear water or Food in a belly. Learn, how you can make a difference and help somebody to dream big again.
Ways to Fundraise

Give a gift
Help fund a house project for communities around the world. Every Dollar goes to 100% towards the intended House project.
Give to Change →
Fundraise for an Idea
Get creative in the way you raise funds for a house. People do some wild stuff, cause is all for one purpose.
Fundraise for Hope →
Pledge your Birthday
Enough Stuff? Than give away your Birthday by fundraising donations instead of birthday gifts.
Pledge your Birthday →