I am blown away by the craziness and the raw reality of God. Recapping the last 4 month back in Germany it was a blast. A time full and so rich. So enjoyable. I loved it so much going to tons of weddings (7 to be accurate), shooting some of them. Crazy that both of my brothers married in the same year 3 month apart.
And what a great privilege to make new wonderful and lovely friendships. Some of them will, I am certain, last a lifetime. So much potential in all of these rich and so enhancing friendships. My heart breaks everytime I have to let go of people because of what I do, but the honor to empower those individuals is far more worth than saying goodbye for a while.
What else is on my mind besides finishing with a time worth remembering?
“Adventure is out there!” What a great phrase appearing in the movie “Up”. So True.
I am pumped for Kona, for Home. For more. For the New. For people really and hungry to fall in love with Jesus and get changed by his overwhelmingly loving Charakter.
Let’s stay in touch. Hawai’i isn’t to far away.
“Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.”Martin Luther King Jr.